History Timeline

Explore the Palestine History Timeline to gain insights into historical facts and events from 1917 to the present,
shedding light on the on-going ethnic cleansing and extinction of the Palestinian people.

Before 1917

Before Balfour Declaration

Comming Soon


Balfour Declaration

11/2/1917, the announcement came in a letter from Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Lionel Walter, 2nd Lord Rothschild (1868-1937), the unofficial leader of the British Jewish community. The Balfour agreement became the diplomatic foundation stone of the state of Israel.

The Nakba

Known as “The Catastrophe,” it was the large-scale migration and forced displacement of many Palestinians during and after the declaration of Israel in 1948. This led to the loss of hundreds of thousands of Palestinian properties and their dispersion in neighboring countries.

Suez Crisis

A war erupted between Israel and several Arab countries, including Egypt, France, and the UK, over Israel’s control of the Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula following the Suez Crisis.

Six-Day War

A war broke out between Israel and several Arab countries, ending in Israel’s victory and the occupation of more territories, including East Jerusalem, the West Bank, the Golan Heights, and the Sinai Peninsula.

Yom Kippur War

A war broke out between Israel, Egypt, and Syria in October 1973. It resulted in advancements for the Arab side and led to negotiations to end the conflict.


First Intifada

A Palestinian uprising against Israeli occupation in the occupied territories, lasting until the signing of the Oslo Accords in 1993.



Oslo Accords

This agreement was signed between the Palestine Liberation Organization and Israel. It provided a framework for dividing the West Bank into Areas A, B, and C and called for peace negotiations.


Second Intifada

This uprising began with a provocative visit by the Israeli Prime Minister to the Al-Aqsa Mosque and escalated into armed conflict and suicide bombings.


Gaza Wars

Repeated wars between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip, resulting in significant destruction and loss of life.


Gaza Wars 2014

After Operation Cast Lead ended in January 2009, Israel and Hamas engaged in sporadic violence for the next thirty-three months. Israel launched Operation Pillar of Defense on 14 November 2012, with a “shock and awe” air assault that killed Hamas military chief Ahmad Ja’bari and other key figures.

May 2021

Gaza War 2021

Over the subsequent eleven days of the confrontation, a basic pattern was established: Israeli air strikes and Hamas rocket counterfire
interspersed with a few ground and naval attacks. On 11 May, Hamas fired 711 rockets and mortars at Israel, the highest single day total in the history of conflict.